Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sept. 30 (Tuesday)

Joel has had several good days now that he is home. He has been walking around the house, in the yard and in the street. He has gained 6 pounds now and is feeling quite good. He went back to Baptist today for lab work, a bone marrow test and to meet with Dr. Powell. The lab results were very good and we should hear from the bone marrow test tomorrow or Thursday. Depending on the results from that test will determine if he has to continue on the chemo by mouth while taking the IV treatments. He will return to Baptist on Friday of this week to have the "port" put in so they will not have to stick him whenever he gets his IV's. Dr. Powell said he will probably start his IV treatments about a week and a half from now. He can take these next few days until then to rest and regain strength. We are very grateful to the Lord for his continuing care and love and also to our friends and family who have been so faithful to keep us in their prayers.

1 comment:

Harry and Marilyn said...

Way to go Joel!
What a great patient you are,but then, I already new that dentally.
We pray for you daily and hope that you continue to excel as a patient. Our God is an awesome healer!! We Love You both,
Harry and Marilyn