Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sept. 21 (Sunday)

Today has been a good day. Joel is feeling better and his appetite and taste are beginning to come back. I went to Panera's today and got him a bowl of chicken noodle soup and 1/2 turkey sandwich. He ate all the soup and almost all the sandwich, then had Cheetos for dessert. He walked around the halls twice today and his gastric problems have also seemed to improve. The doctors say he will be up and down with his white cell count and platelets this week and they hope he will experience very slow progress soon. His hair is just beginning to fall out. So much for our hopes that he got his buzz cut for nothing! (And, Patti, I did not wear my "chick" suit to Panera's to get his chicken soup!) He still cannot have visitors so you have no idea how much your cards and prayers mean to him. Thank you all.


maboogie said...

I have been thinking of you each day
I think it is awesome that you take time to do this blog.

God Bless and I will continue to keep up and pray

genell loflin albright

Jenni said...

I know just the yellow gown that you are talking about, Judi. I have worn them too many times to count. Maybe if you ask them for one of the blue bouffant caps you can wear it with the gown and drastically increase your style points. Plus it would be very good for a laugh.

I've been chatting with Jodi a bit on emails and talking with my mom. I'm glad you are doing this blog so I can check on him frequently. Tell Joel I said hello and I'm sorry to hear he's having to go through all this. What ever would we do without our mighty God? Let Him reveal His strong arm through this trial by trusting Him completely. I find that sometimes all He wants is a tiny morsel of trust from us to do great things!

Lots of love,
Jenni Lanier

PaPa said...

Hey pal,
You better go easy on the cheetos if you want to get rid of the gastric problems! Listen to Dr. Winslow, the gastric guru. I hope that you have a better week. My Sunday School boys prayed for you today! Don't hesitate to call if you need the gastric guru. I do make house calls! Ed

janice.thomas said...

Joel and Judi: Just know that we all have been praying for you...lots. Janie told me Tony was going to give you a buzz. I am sure you look great. Just remember, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers,they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Not will the flame burn you. FOR I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD" (emphasis mine)(Isa 43:2,3a).
Love you, cuz. Get well. Thank you for writing, Judi. You are both in our prayers. Janice, Henry, Bethany and Kristi

Anonymous said...

We've been praying for you guys.
We always have to remind ourselves that God is in Control of everything and there is nothing that surprises Him.

Can't wait till you are able to go home and have visitors. Our kids would love to come and eat Cheetos with you :) Maybe we can bring some Princess Fruit Snacks too!
Love you guys,
Kim, Kevin, Lizzie and Will